Horror House
Horror Puzzle Game
This is an exercise in level design and lighting systems in Unity. I download resources from the Asset Store, build levels and set the lighting by myself, and write basic codes for the character to interact with the environment.
Demo Video
Project Info
Platform: PC Windows10
Date of Completion: 2018.12
Category: Horror Puzzle Game
Controller: Mouse&Keyboard
Art Style: 3D Realistic
Preferred Resolution: 1600 x1024
Contribution: Individual Project
This is an exercise in level design and lighting systems in Unity. I chose this project as an assignment for the Interactive Art course. It was Christmas Eve when this project was submitted, and I also hope that this project can bring a little "surprise" to my instructor.
Art Reference
I am a fan of Hidetaka Miyazaki, and I like to play some horror games, so I refer to the art style of the two games, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, and add some collecting and puzzle elements to this demo. Since this project focuses on level and atmosphere design, I did not focus on 3D modeling. Most of my art resources come from the Asset Store.
Level Design
In this demo, the player must enter an old house and collect 4 papers with different characters written on them. Although the scene in the Demo is relatively small, the four papers cannot be easily found by the player, so I put them in different places. In order to enable the player to interact with the scene, I wrote some interactive scripts that allow the player to move, trigger Triggers and collect items.
The path of the paper that the player is looking for will be as shown as follows:

Lighting, Audio and Visual Effects
To create dim lighting and a horrible atmosphere, I created many lighting effects.In addition, I added some sound effects such as walking, rain and lightning to create the atmosphere of a rainstorm.
I also used some particle effects to create the effect of rain and fog.
All this is to create an atmosphere and serve the level.​

What I Learned

How to design a simple game level.
How to write a simple first-person interaction script so that the player can move in the scene and interact with objects.
How to use lighting, sound effects, and particle effects to enhance the atmosphere of the level.